In times of increasing transparency, glass walls and ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows and so-called smart homes that collect data about the habits of their occupants, the cellar is the last remaining secret place - the dark net of the house. It is the space in which yet unexpressed longings and desires are protected from unwanted glances and may come to life."Cellar and Secrets" plays with the absurdity of the hidden and brings situations from the dark cellar to light. Freaks and psychologically damaged individuals, confiding sickos or even just weirdly twisted personalities in the parallel worlds of their hidden everyday lives - the poverty-stricken nature of our drives, boredom, exhibitionism and blatant loneliness: secret passions become visible, bizarre quirks are lived, rituals are staged - sometimes humorous, sometimes frightening and sometimes simply astonishing.The audience members are confronted with the hidden fears, secret desires and insecurities of these protagonists in stories that are as bizarre as they are oppressive. Their neuroses embody the shadow spaces of our society.
In cooperation with Spanish choreographer Jordi Cortés and his Asociación KIAKAHART - Arte en Movimiento, the choreographers of DIN A 13 tanzcompany, Gerda König and Gitta Roser, have devoted their attention to the topic of "Cellar and Secrets". As part of a comprehensive artistic concept, "Cellar and Secrets" will be explored from various perspectives from autumn 2018 to autumn 2020.
Artistic Direction: Gerda König
Choreography/Concept: Gerda König, Gitta Roser
Dance: Ashraf Albesh, Charlotte Virgile
Music: Frank Schulte
Stage Design: Jürgen Gronert
Costumes: Thomas Wien-Pegelow
Lighting Design: Gerd Weidig
Production Management: Anastasia Olfert
Company Management: John Herman PR: mechtild tellmann kulturmanagement
BARNES CROSSING Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst, tanz.tausch – dance and performance festival 2018, Choreographer Jordi Cortés Asociación KIAKAHART - Arte en Movimiento, tANZfAKtUR