Fortress Hill //: Ceta(t,uia

Fortress Hill//: Cetatuia is a public  intermedia sound installation at Cetatuia in CLUJ_Napoca, Romania
designed and realized by german sound and media artist Frank Schulte in May 2014.

Inspired by the hill, the old fortress construction, the monument and the history of the place Frank Schulte developed a multiple concept for a temporary mise-en-scène for this historic city location.
The works reflect as well historical aspects as sound specific experiences of the installation space.

Accompanying with the project a seminar for local students was offered In partnership and collaboration with the german cultural institute in Cluj-Napoca, where students worked with the artist in exporation the space and developing own works, which were presented parallel with the main installation at the hill park in end of May 2014.

project partner and promoter
- Centrul Cultural German Cluj-Napoca
- Primăria Cluj-Napoca
- Land-ul Nordrhein-Westfallen
- Institutul Goethe București
- Universitatea de Artă și Design
- Hotel Belvedere